Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Report on health in the world

Report on health in the world:
World Health Organization report, published for the first time in 1995, is WHO's leading publication. Each year The report includes an assessment of global health experts, including statistics on all countries, with a focus on a specific topic. The main purpose of the report is to provide countries, donor agencies, international organizations and other information that they need to help them make decisions on policy and funding. The report also pointed to a wider audience, from universities, teaching hospitals, schools, journalists and the general public - anyone, in fact, with attention to personal and professional issues in international health.
The current World Health Report:
Why renew the primary health care and why now, more than ever before? The immediate answer is clear demand for it from Member States - and not just working in the field of health, but from the political arena as well. Globalization is the development of social cohesion in many countries under pressure, and health systems, and key components of the structure of contemporary societies, are clearly not performing as well as possible and as it should. People are increasingly impatient with the inability of health services to provide national coverage levels to meet the stated demands and changing needs, and failure to provide services in ways that are compatible with their aspirations. There is no dispute that health systems need to respond better - and faster - to the challenges of a changing world. Primary health care can do that.


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