Monday, December 14, 2009

Barley Grass

Barley Grass:-

"Barley grass is one of the most incredible products of this decade. It improves skin texture and dryness associated with aging." ~ ~ Dr. Howard Lutz.Of all the grasses, Barley grass has probably been studied more by the efforts of Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, president of the Hagiwara Institute of Health in Japan. Hagiwara reports that he examined more than 150 different plants over a period of 13 years. He found that barley is the most excellent source of nutrients the body needs for growth, repair and welfare.A biologist named Yasuo Hotta from the University of California, La Jolla, found in barley grass a substance called P4D1. This material is not only strong anti-inflammatory action but was shown to actually repair the DNA in the cells of the body. This helped in the prevention of carcinogenesis, aging, and cell death. He reported in a Japan Pharmacy Science Association meeting that P4D1 suppresses or cures pancreatitis, stomatitis, inflammation of the oral cavity, and dermatitis, and lacerations of the stomach and doudenum. He found that barley juice is much stronger than steroid drugs but has fewer or no side effects. Dr. Howard Lutz, who is director of the Institute for Preventive Medicine in Washington, DC, has said this about barley grass: "(Barley Grass is) one of the most incredible products of this decade. It improves stamina, sexual energy, clarity of thought, and reduces addiction to things that are bad for you. It also improves the texture of the skin, and heals the dryness associated with aging. "Some people who try grass juice find that they simply can not tolerate wheat grass juice. It is extremely detoxifying and makes some people nauseous every time they drink. These people may find they can tolerate barley grass juice. It is milder, although quite bitter, in comparison with the sweetness of wheat grass juice. Barley grass is very high in organic sodium. People who have a tendency to dehydration need more organic sodium. People with arthritis have used celery juice for years because the organic sodium. According to Hagiwara, in his book, Green Barley Essence, barley grass 775 mg. organic sodium per 100 grams. This contrasts with 28 mg. sodium per 100 grams in celery. Sodium keeps calcium in organic solution in the bloodstream and dissolves calcium deposited on the joints. (For this reason alone it would be very soothing to the nerves.) Also fills organic sodium in the lining of the stomach. This digestion by improving the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
Besides chlorophyll and a myriad of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, barley grass is said that 30 times as much vitamin B1 as in milk, 3.3 times as much vitamin C, and 6.5 times as much carotene as in spinach, 11 times the amount of the calcium in cow's milk, nearly five times the iron content of spinach, nearly seven times the vitamin C in oranges, four times the vitamin B1 in whole wheat flour, and 80 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams of dried barley plant juice. This analysis was done by the Resource Research Association, Office of Science and Technology, and Japan Food Analysis Center. This same food Analysis Center who studied the dried barley grass juice, found that it contains per 100 grams: 775 Na, K 8800, Ca 1108, Mg 224.7, 15.8 Fe, 1.36 Cu, 534 P Zn 7.33. Is near spinach: 25 Na, 490 K, 98 Ca, 59.2Mg, 3.3 Fe, 0.26 Cu, 52 P, --Many people have claimed that regular supplementation with green barley juice stimulates weight loss, the study says that due to the strengthening of the cytochrome oxidase enzyme system essential for cell metabolism. Another enzyme by barley grass is superoxide dismutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant which the cells against toxic free radicals that are regarded as a primary culprit in aging and many other diseases protects."In my experience, after growing both wheat grass and barley grass juice and provide for people, both in my house and in the green juice bars, that people tend to do better with arthritis barley grass juice because of its high sodium content . Many people have found relief using pain with one weeks or two. "KK Fowlkes Ann Wigmore We have to thank for her research on wheat grass and Yoshihide Hagiwara to thank for our knowledge about barley grass. Besides Hippocrates, the father of medicine advised: "Let your food your medicine," and Shin Huang-ti, said: "It's the food that sustains health and where is the best medicine."


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