Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pea Bean

Pea Bean:-


Because of its nourishing properties, the common bean successfully replace meat. The curtailment of rich proteins (approximately 70% of the necessary amino acids that can be found in meat), carbohydrate and lack of toxins, it is best recommended for eligibility are health effects.

Description of the bean plant: -

Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is a herbaceous plant from the Leguminosae family. From what is known, this is one of the earliest vegetables used in food, which is known for 4000 years. There are a number of hypothesis on the origin of the common bean: some believe that it originated in Central America (there are traces of prehistoric tombs in beans), while others declare that beans from Latin America and more precisely, Peru, where it was brought to Europe after the discovery of America. Because nutrition can successfully replace meat with beans. The curtailment of rich proteins (approximately 70% of the necessary amino acids that can be found in meat), carbohydrate and lack of toxins, it is best recommended for its beneficial effects on health. In addition, beans have the property of lowering cholesterol. Studies of these were made and they have shown that including beans in the diet leads to the decrease in the value of cholesterol by 20% and 30% in most cases. Nowadays the majority of the nutritionists say that the consumption of beans is important for maintaining the health of the nervous system, liver, kidneys, pancreas and bone.

Features: -

Besides its proteic content, beans contains organic and mineral substances (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, nickel, cobalt and copper), vitamins (A1, B1, B2, B5, B6, C, E, and P1) bean contains fiber (soluble and insoluble) with a key role in the body: it reduces the level of cholesterol, prevents constipation and colon cancer. Vitamin B2 helps prevent cardiovascular disease, while pro-vitamin B5 helps prevent cancer and blocks the growth of tumors. Bean also benefits the immune system through its anti-infective effect, which facilitates the cultivation of the number of leukocytes, destruction of harmful micro-organisms in the body. This effect is present due to chromium - a substance present in beans with the role of stimulating the lymphatic nodes.A special species in which case the bean pods do not produce seeds (called phaseolii Fructus sine seminibus) contains arginine, asparagine, tizoline and tipofan - amino acids with a diuretic and antidiabetic roles.

Treatments and mixtures:-

  • Bean pod tea:-
    To prepare tea, one tablespoon of the beans are cooked in 250 ml water for a period of 15 to 20 minutes. From this diet and anti-rheumatic tea, one or two cups are drunk each day. The tea is prepared so well for the states of dropsy (water accumulation in the tissues), heart, kidneys, bladder and urinary tract diseases, such as cystitis. Simultaneously, bean pod tea helps calm spasms, normalization pools and increasing the amount of urine, remove the excess water from the body. As a direct result of this action, the body loses a large quantity of toxic substances - an important result for the improvement of rheumatic states. For those suffering from hyperglycemia, is the consumption of dried pod tea was recommended. Given the specific characteristics of this disease, the tea will not be sweetened with sugar, but only with saccharin. Moreover, skin conditions like acne, beans added to the diet, or consumed as tea, contribute to the rapid removal of these problems.

  • Bone meal:
    Beans are rich in salicic acid, which is why they are recommended as energizers for the body. For this reason, flour, beans leads to the removal of unpleasant sensations caused by eczema, acne or other skin diseases. Method of use: the affected areas will be covered with cataplasms containing bean flour.

  • Beans in alimentation:

It is important that this fruit plays an important role in preventing the development of diabetes knowledge. Studies that the number of people suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes is surprisingly small in the case of those who have just proven beans added to their daily diet. In cases of osteoporosis (bone atrophy) caused by a loss of calcium and metals and vitamins, or metabolic imbalances, it is noted that these are very rare in the case of those who consume beans. This consequence is linked to the fact that the bean contains a series of vitamins (B5, P, B6, etc.) which prevents the loss of calcium from the body.


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