Sunday, November 8, 2009

Natural Garlic


Plant Name: -
satvum Allium

Family Name:-

Hindi name:-

Garlic is believed to spring from Central Asia, despite the absence of a wild form is known. Than 700 species of Allium genus, stem from Central Asia, and a center of diversity from the Himalayan mountains to Turkey.

Garlic finds mention in the Bible and times in ancient Egypt when they were fed daily on the builders of the pyramids, and as food for the Hebrews during his stay in Egypt. In Europe, garlic, spices has been a year since the days of Romanian. It was used widely from India to Southeast Asia even before the arrival of Europeans there. After the age of exploration, and use spread in both Africa and the Americas.

Garlic is a hardy bulbous annual, with narrow flat leaves and small white flowers and bulbils. The bulb may 6-30 bulbils small, known as the 'pink', and surrounded by a thin white or pale pink, sheath. The bulb all without the smell, but once cut or bruised, they produce a tart, acid flavor, and a strong smell intensified.

Various Asian cuisines use of this versatile spice. Indian recipes add garlic in an early stage, and it is deep-fried with onions and other spices to provide the basic masala, where the taste and garlic is no longer unique in itself. In contrast, despite the fact that the Indonesian and Chinese stir the potatoes and usually start with frying a few cloves of garlic, the smell of garlic and continued until loss of consciousness due to serve a much shorter time in the cooking. Indonesian cuisine, and the use of mixtures of garlic are often used to season meat pieces before roasting or grilling. Thai cuisine, on the other hand, avoid frying of garlic, but I prefer the gentle simmering for spicy soups or creamy curry. As in Cambodia, a similar custom is found - pastes of garlic with the pepper and lemon grass or ginger, add to soups or stews.
Use in Europe:-
In northern and central Europe, and garlic and is usually cooked for a long time to reduce the smell, and therefore better able to food rather light from this region. Chefs here tend to use garlic with some Mediterranean herbs such as thyme, bay leaves, etc., but also with indigenous spices such as juniper and cumin. Chefs in Southern Europe tend to use garlic and more freedom, combined with pepper tart, especially during the preparation of spaghetti noodles: garlic, finely cut and suspended in olive oil with parsley leaves often served with grilled fish in Croatia.

In the countries of the Mediterranean Sea, and food prepared with calls either red or white wine for some garlic. Rabbit stewed in red wine with generous amounts of garlic and bay leaves is the national dish in Malta. And Portuguese-fried cubes of pork seasoned with garlic is delicious. In parts of Austria, and Salah al-Din. Are prepared with vinegar, oil and chopped garlic.

In Greece, a paste made with potatoes cooked and raw garlic used for thickening sauces. In Turkey, and cacik sauce made from regular milk, cucumbers, garlic and mint. In Vietnam, and garlic is a work with almost all the preparations.

Fresh garlic cloves, peeled and literature the following:-

* Protein: 6.3%
* Fat: 0.1%
* Minerals: 1.0%
* Fiber: 0.8%
* Carbohydrates: 29%
* Calcium: 0.03%
* Iron: 0.001%
* Nicotinic acid: 0.4 mg/100g
* Vitamin C: 13 mg/100g

In the southern states of the United States, and garlic is also very popular. In a small town in California Gilroy claims to be the garlic capital 'in the world, and here the annual festival' garlic 'is held to garlic recipes that are evaluated. Garlic consumption is also high in Central America, where the lamps are, among other things, used for the Mexican peppers and salsa.

In France, aioli and a popular food item that is essentially a mayonnaise based on olive oil and garlic with the uranium. Sometimes, minced garlic spread along the edges of Italian pizza. Grated fresh garlic served in liberal amounts of spring rolls and soup in North Vietnam. Raw garlic may also be pickled in oil and vinegar or olive oil.

Since some of the smell of garlic is extracted from the liquid, and pickled garlic is usually very mild. Garlic contains a wealth of sulfur compounds, including allicin is the most important. Garlic reduces the tendency of blood to clot and clump. It reduces the total serum cholesterol and low density lipoprotein. It raises high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in humans. According to the records of the ancient Sanskrit, and garlic are believed to be 5,000 years old. Chinese has been used for more than 3,000 years. Has been used to treat a variety of conditions from cancer and heart disease, blood vessels, parasites, and disease every day in common, like colds, earaches, dandruff, diarrhea, and pain in the teeth. And enhance immunity characteristics that make them a good choice for the prevention of cancer. Some research studies also appears to support and use.
Garlic Advantages:-
Garlic prevents infections by preventing the conversion of arachidonic acid, and protects the liver from damage caused by synthetic drugs and chemicals. Have anti-oxidant, which provides protection against radiation. It kills bacteria and intestinal parasites are bad, because it is anti-bacterial. Garlic, and anti-microbial, is useful for strengthening the immune system, often used against colds and flu.

Studies have shown that garlic on a large scale to combat fungi, and more effective against Candida albicans of the drugs commonly prescribed. In herbal medicines, garlic has been traditionally used to treat asthma, deafness, leprosy, bronchial congestion, arteriosclerosis and strokes, fever, worms, gall bladder, bladder problems, piles, disorders of catarrha and coughing.

It is an incentive for appetizers, fresh juice has been used to reduce the consumption of Alderney. And can be applied externally as an ointment, lotion or antiseptic poultice. Essential oil is usually taken as a supplement in the form of gelatin capsules


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