Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cancer of the Throat

Cancer of the Throat:-
What is cancer of the throat?.

Throat cancer is a condition where the cancer affects the vocal cords, voice box (larynx), or in other parts of the throat.

Cancer is a group of more than 100 different diseases. Cancer affects the body's basic unit, and the cell. Cancer occurs when cells become abnormal and keep dividing and forming more cells without control or order.

What causes of throat cancer?.

Cancers of the larynx, often caused by excessive use of tobacco and / or excessive use of alcohol.

Symptoms of throat cancer:-

The most common symptoms of throat cancer are:

* Hoarseness that does not resolve in 1 and 2 weeks
* Sore throat that does not resolve in 1 and 2 weeks, and even with antibiotics
* Pain in the neck
* Difficulty in swallowing
* Swelling in the neck.
* Weight loss inadvertently
Unexplained cough *
* Coughing up blood
* Abnormal (high-pitched) breathing sounds

How is the diagnosis of cancer of the throat?.

If your doctor believes you have throat cancer, he ordered a series of tests. The telescope would be used to take place. And the use of the telescope is testing through the use of a tube with a tiny camera is illuminated. And cranial CT scan and / or magnetic resonance imaging of the skull can also take place. These tests will help determine whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the neck.

Your doctor can also perform a biopsy of tissue analysis that may be cancerous. Biopsy is the removal of a small piece of tissue for microscopic examination. Biopsies are used to help diagnose diseases.

Can throat cancer treatment be?.

Yes. Therapy aims to destroy cancer cells and prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body.

Some common treatment options are surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

If the tumor that contains cancer cells, small, either surgery or radiation therapy alone can be used to eliminate the tumor. If the tumor is not small, or spread to lymph nodes in the neck, and more aggressive radiation therapy and chemotherapy are often needed.

In some cases, there is a need for surgery to remove the tumor and the vocal cords is necessary. If the vocal cords are removed, you may be laying an artificial vocal cords in the larynx.

Complications of throat cancer:-

There are some common complications of throat cancer are:

* Blockage of the airway
* Loss of the ability to speak and voice
* Distortion of the face or neck
* Hardening of the skin of the neck
* Difficulty in swallowing
* The spread of cancer to other parts of the body

Can be prevented cancer of the larynx to be?.

One of six ways to reduce the risk of throat cancer is to reduce or avoid smoking and excess alcohol.


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