Thursday, October 8, 2009



It is a machine similar to a dialisis machine that uses filters to take out viruses and bacteria from the blood, which can be used for extreme cases of infection.
The filter consists of tiny fibers that have active filtering abilities, attracting specific bugs (viruses and bacteria) to lessen their numbers to a manageable level that is controllable through regular drug treatment.
Working :
The device works by drawing blood from an artery, then filtering it through the mesh of fibers that attracts the bugs that are to be removed thus extending the life of people who have severe infections.
The key is the filters that are treated with specific agents that are able to attract specific bugs, one filter for the AIDS virus, another for Flu and so on and so forth. The whole blood volume circulates through the filter once every eight minutes and full treatment can take as little as a month with each round taking an hour or so to complete. This breakthrough can allow better treatment of such deadly diseases such as ebola and other highly contagious bugs that are currently killing more people each and every year.


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