Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sickle Cell Anemia Treatment

Can Sickle Cell Anemia to be treated with resveratrol extract, according to researchers:-
Red grape extract in the skin may be a new treatment for sickle cell disease, Medical College of Georgia researchers say.

Extract, resveratrol, a chemical commonly found naturally in red wine, fruits and various plants, have been found to stimulate the production of fetal hemoglobin, which reduces the Sickling of red blood cells, and reduce the painful episodes associated with vascular disease.

Most of the production of fetal hemoglobin stop after birth, but in patients where it is still the dominant model, it can lead to fewer complications, says Davies Agyekum, in the second year Ph.D. student at the College of Graduate Studies micrograms.

In sickle cell disease, abnormal hemoglobin causes red blood cells to sickle. Abnormal form in the blood and impedes passage through vessels and can cause pain and other complications due to lack of oxygen in the blood.

Davis working with Dr. Stephen E. Meiler, vice president of research at the Department of Anesthesia and perioperative medicine, and the eight-week animal study to determine whether the combination of anti-inflammatory and fetal hemoglobin-producing properties of resveratrol, a dietary polyphenol, which can reduce the risk of sickle cell disease.

Hydroxyurea, an anti-cancer medicine, food, and only approved drug treatment for sickle cell disease, and increases fetal hemoglobin. According to Davis reseveratrol-based treatment may be easier for patients.

Ghana has recently received the original three-to five-year $ 15,000 grant from the Southern Regional Education Board State Doctoral Scholars Program, a program designed to increase the number of students who are the minority doctoral degrees and become college and university professors.

That he attend the FAO's annual Institute for education and guidance in Arlington, Virginia, today through Oct. 25, to learn the skills of success and prepare for a university-level teaching position.

"My ultimate career goal is to be in a position to inspire a future generation through education and guidance, so I am ecstatic about the opportunity this grant provides," says Davis.

Source: Medical College of Georgia


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