Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Skin Care Information

Basics of Skin Care:

With modern skin care being more complicated than medical science it can be hard to know exactly which products to buy, which techniques to use, and which advice to follow.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have clean and healthy looking skin without having to dump on a pound and a half of makeup every day? Imagine the freedom (as well as the extra cash in your wallet).
With modern skin care being more complicated than medical science it can be hard to know exactly which products to buy, which techniques to use, and which advice to follow. Every company and “expert” has something different to say about the same topic and it leads to nothing but confusion.

Before you tear your hair out in frustration, following the seven tips below can make caring for your skin much less time consuming and much less stressful.

1. Do not smoke.
Aside from slowly killing yourself it’s also incredibly bad for your skin. Smoking impedes blood flow and, considering that your skin is your bodies largest organ and needs a ton of blood flow, smoking can be the worst thing you’ll ever do for your skin. So, for your skins sake, put that cigarette down.

2. Wear sunscreen.
The sun dries things out and your skin is no exception. As resilient as your skin is you still need to protect it from the big flaming ball in the sky. SPF 15 or 20 should be more than sufficient for most situations, and don’t forget to re-apply!

3. Feed yourself.
Eating well is one of the best ways to maintain healthy skin. Stay hydrated (hint: water works best for this) and eat healthy, nutritious meals. Fatty, greasy foods will only pass those attributes on to your skin in some form or another. If you exist on McDonald’s, don’t be surprised if you have oily skin and acne problems.

4. Wash yourself every day.
I’m sorry, but it is not okay to shower once every few days- guys, this applies to you too! Dirty stuff collects on your skin during the day and while you are asleep. Just think of it for a moment- all the pollution, dirt, dust, grime, sweat… it all just sits there until you take a shower and remove it. Make sure that you wash yourself with a decent soap that doesn’t dry your skin out. You don’t need to scrub until your skin is raw, but make sure that you cover all of the important areas.

5. Get lots of sleep.
Sleeping well will better your overall health, but it also affects your skin specifically. This gives your skin time to rehydrate and “freshen up”.

6. Wear sunglasses when it’s sunny.
Why have the perma-squint lines on your face if you don’t have to? When you are reading leave a light on so that you don’t have to squint to see; when you’re out in the sun wear sunglasses. Along with being less straining on your eyes it has a added benefit of reducing wrinkles (and that makes you look younger).

7. And lastly, quit slathering yourself with a ton of moisturizer.
Yes, moisturizing is a good thing and you should do it, but that doesn’t mean that your body needs to be covered in a thin layer of moisturizer 24 hours a day. Make sure that you are using a good quality moisturizer that is alcohol free. You only need to moisturize once a day, so investing in a decent one shouldn’t set you back too much.

A few weeks of practicing better skin care should be enough to show you great results! So now, armed with your new skin knowledge, go and look healthier and younger


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