Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tuberculosis Disease

Tuberculosis (T.B.) Infectious Disease:

What is TB?

Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease that usually affects the lungs (pulmonary TB). Could be other parts of the body may also be affected, for example, lymph nodes, kidneys, bones and joints, etc. (extrapulmonary TB). Nearly 1,300 state are reported each year in New York.

TB is going on?

TB can affect anyone at any age. People with weakened immune systems are at increased risk.

How is the spread of TB?

Tuberculosis is spread through the air when a person who is suffering from tuberculosis treatment or sneezing. Prolonged exposure to a person with untreated TB usually is necessary for the occurrence of infection.

What is the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease?

Latent TB infection (LTBI) means the person has the TB bacteria in the body (usually lungs), but did not develop the symptoms clear. In latent TB infection, the person has a significant reaction in Mantoux skin test with no symptoms of tuberculosis, and tuberculosis of any organisms in sputum. TB is evidence of symptoms, a reaction to a large Manto skin test and organisms found in sputum. For the dissemination of TB germs, a person must tuberculosis. The presence of latent TB infection is not sufficient for the spread of MRSA. Tuberculosis may last for a lifetime of an infection, never developing the disease.
What are the symptoms of TB?
Symptoms of TB include low-grade fever, night sweats, fatigue, weight loss and persistent coughing. Some people may not be the symptoms and clear.

How do not show symptoms in the near future?

Most people infected with the germ that causes TB never active TB disease. If you do not develop active TB, can occur two to three months or years after infection at a later date. Reduces the risk of active disease with the passage of time.
When and how long is a person able to spread TB?

A person with TB disease may remain contagious until he / she has been on appropriate treatment for several weeks. However, an infected person with latent TB infection, but not the disease, and not the spread of infection to others, where there are no TB germs in the sputum.

What is the treatment for TB?

It should be infected with latent TB infection can be assessed for the course of preventive treatment, which usually includes taking medicine for tuberculosis for several months. A person with active TB must complete a course of treatment for six months or more. Initial treatment includes at least four anti-TB drugs, and medicines may be changed based on the results of laboratory tests. The plan must be exactly the medicines prescribed by your doctor. Directly observed treatment short-term under supervision) programs are recommended for all TB patients, to help them to complete the treatment.

What could be the impact of not being treated for TB?

In addition to the spread of the disease to others, a person other than the treatment may become severe illness or death.

What can be done to prevent the spread of TB?
The most important way to stop the spread of tuberculosis is for TB patients to cover mouth and nose when coughing, and to take all the TB medicine exactly as prescribed by the doctor.

What is TB multidrug-resistant)?

This refers to the ability of some strains of TB to grow and multiply even in the presence of some drugs that would normally kill them.

What is the scope and scale drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB)?

Extensively drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is a subset of drug-resistant TB strains of the TB bacteria resistant to many of the best second-line drugs for tuberculosis control. These breeds is very difficult to treat. XDR-TB cases accounted for about 10 percent of TB cases multidrug-resistant.
Who gets the drug-resistant TB?

TB patients infected with drug-sensitive may develop drug-resistant tuberculosis if they do not take drugs for TB, as provided for, as well as TB patients who have been prescribed for the treatment plan effectively. TB patient with drug-resistant TB drugs can infect resistant to other individuals.
What is the treatment of drug-resistant TB?
For patients who suffer from the disease because of drug resistant organisms, expert consultation of specialists in the treatment of drug-resistant TB should be obtained. Patients who suffer from drug-resistant disease should be treated with drugs that the exposed organisms. The effectiveness of treatment for latent infection with drug-resistant TB is uncertain.
What can be done to prevent the spread of drug-resistant TB?

Ensure that people with MDR-TB drugs to take all patients and staff to cover the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and can reduce the risk of the spread of drug-resistant TB. In addition, directly observed therapy should be used to ensure that patients complete the cycle of treatment recommended.


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